Difference between EPUB and PDF file format

EPUB and PDF are both electronic book formats, but they have some key differences.

  • EPUB is an open standard format, while PDF is proprietary. This means that anyone can create an EPUB file, but PDF files are created using Adobe Acrobat.
  • EPUB is designed specifically for reflowable content, meaning the text can adjust to different screen sizes and font sizes. PDFs are designed for fixed layout content, meaning the layout of the document remains the same regardless of the device or screen size.
  • EPUB files are generally smaller in size than PDFs, making them more suitable for devices with limited storage space.
  • EPUB files can include interactive elements such as hyperlinks and embedded multimedia, while PDFs are primarily used for static documents.
  • EPUB files are more widely supported by e-readers and mobile devices, while PDFs are more commonly used for desktop and web-based applications.

 PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format that was developed by Adobe Systems in the 1990s. Adobe owns the patents for the PDF format and has licensed the technology to other companies and organizations. This means that while Adobe owns the rights to the PDF format, other companies and organizations are able to create and use PDF files through licensing agreements with Adobe.

Additionally, the PDF format has been widely adopted and has become an open standard. This means that the format is widely used and has been implemented by many software developers and companies, even if they don't have a direct licensing agreement with Adobe.

So, other apps and software can generate PDFs by using the same technology, or by using open-source libraries that have been developed to support the creation of PDFs.

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